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en:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam [2020/03/24 10:01] – [My CLT cross sections] Alexandra Thielen:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam [2020/03/24 11:38] – [Optimization of layup] Alexandra Thiel
Line 61: Line 61:
 Test layup;5;0.03;0.02;0.02;0.02;0.03;90;0;90;0;90;GL24h* Test layup;5;0.03;0.02;0.02;0.02;0.03;90;0;90;0;90;GL24h*
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +=== My materials ===
 +With the button {{:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:show_material_library_button.png?40&nolink}} the material library can be displayed.
 +{{ en:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:material_library.png?600 |Library "My materials"}}
 +  * With {{:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:edit_button.png?40&nolink}} the edit mode can be entered.
 +  * With {{:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:save_cs_button.png?40&nolink}} the changes are saved.
 +  * With {{:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:delete_button.png?40&nolink}} the chosen material in the sidebar can be removed from the library.
 +  * With {{:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:import_button.png?40&nolink}} materials from a csv file can be imported.
 +  * With {{:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:export_button.png?40&nolink}} the materials from the library can be exported to a csv file.
 +<WRAP center round info 100%>
 +**Syntax of the csv file**
 +1. row: description of the parameters\\  
 +2. row: units of the parameters\\  
 +3. row: value\\  
 +delimiter: ";"
 +Mat 1;24;16.5;0.5;24;2.7;3;1.25;11600;9667;0;720;72;380;500;5.5;2.5;21
 +The user-defined materials are then displayed in the material selection list.
 +{{ en:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:userdefined_material_combo.png |material selection list}}
 +=== Optimization of layup ===
 +Use the button {{en:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:show_cs_optimization_button.png?130&nolink}} to display the window for layup optimization.
 +{{ en:clt:hotspot:software:cltdesigner:manual:modul_plate1d_continuousbeam:cs_optimization.png?600 |Layup optimization}}
 +With the help of this tool, the possible layups can be determined for the given system and load situation. The optimization can be restricted with regard to producers, number of layers or by means of limits for the panel thickness. Furthermore, outer cross layers or double layers can be included or excluded. With the option "Vibration verification according to EN" the base document is included in the vibration check or not.
 +With the buttons "Start" and "Stop" the calculation is controlled. Please be patient, depending on the selected parameter the calculation may take a little longer.
 +The possible setups are then displayed in the table and the selected setup can be transferred to the main window by clicking the "Choose the selected cross section" button.
 ==== Loads ==== ==== Loads ====
  • en/clt/hotspot/software/cltdesigner/manual/modul_plate1d_continuousbeam.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/10/28 10:01
  • by Alexandra Thiel